A Great Medicine

My parents are health conscious, who does not? When I was in my younger age, my parents my sis, bros, and I too used to drink tea a eucalyptus tea. I like drinking tea but now I can’t find a eucalyptus tea here in our place.

Eucalyptus is a mighty tree are so well known and recommended that they are given primary to others on account of their deserving merit. Eucalyptus leaf tea is a powerful medicine of cough and in the form of leaves and shoots, for baths and possible steam inhalation, it has excellent effect also, against fevers, cough, horseness, colds, poor digestion, catarrh of the stomach and bladder, inflammation of the lungs, pulmonary, diseases, tubercolosis, etc. Eucalyptus leaves it richly contains inorganic components including calcium, potassium and sodium.

It’s been 3 weeks now we came from summer vacation in Ticino Switzerland, while we were in Brissago Island I never expect that this little island has eucalyptus tree.
The eucalyptus tree, therefore bestows on man many more blessings than can be imagined. It is not only a beautiful tree for shade and ornament, in whose huge branches th birds enjoy themselves, but it is also an excellent medicinal tree.

This is the giant Eucalyptus Tree in Brissago Island

Research based on Science Natural Healing


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