I'll Promise

I had so much errands few weeks ago. I don’t denied it, I was not able updated my blog few weeks ago, Oh my, I don’t like my blog inactive in the network but the time is tough….Thanks God now I have time and I am back, I promise, I’ll update everyday if I got time even just a short I update, will active again and makes me feel good when I update my blog every time in a day.

Well I have a lot to tell here, good news for…will tell you folks…very exciting. J Wish you have a good day.


Auto Towing

Sometimes when you were in travel you weren’t sure that you safe and your motor car breakdown on the road. RV towing is so expensive. As we had experienced our auto was broke down on the road and my husband I thanks we have auto emergency road service. If you have one rv emergency road service I am sure you can have discount and don’t need to pay too much for service.


Furnitures We Need For Our New Flat

At last we were finished moved in our things in out new flat our things that we needs.

Last Saturday we bought a new closets and bed one set together, it was quiet expensive though but I like it, it is great quality and we bought cabinet too for glass wine. The bed and closets will deliver next week and cabinet will deliver later on. I am so excited to have these new things for our sleeping room and our living room furniture. We have a new couch from my mom in-law yet not so new but looks great and modern. We need to have a new lamp for living room, kitchen and sleeping rooms too…and one cabinet for bathrooms and curtains for our windows…oh yay! Is not so fast to have those things, we need time to think so that will look good together and fit our new flat and look beautiful yet look modern.


Pet Lover

I am also pet lover. The most I like fish and dog. We have aquarium full of fishes sometimes my boy feed it. It’s so fun having a puppy dog at home too and to play with. To have a puppy dog is not so easy too, it’s also need care and your love and treat as like your family and buying needs pet supplies products or pet loving stuff that keep your dog fit, healthy and happy every time and together with you. Yeah, dog is the best companions and friends at the same time. Wish you enjoy. Have a great day.


That's My Boy

Its Halloween day, time for tricks and treats…Its really fun. Just now I arrived from Filipino Halloween party, they had Halloween costumes contest. It was so fun looking those sexy, scary Halloween costumes. My son next year I’ll try to buy a costumes for him to join the contest J I am sure my son love it as he always wanted to go at the front stage during the party we’ve been. When the music started he danced at the front with adult people too and clapping his hands too appreciating the program ha-ha-ha he is so sweet and good boy..hmmm. soon I have dancer boy J


Disclosure Policy

This blog is written by me. This blog accept sponsored, advertisement and paid post. If you have any questions and suggestions just leave a message in my entry comment box. Wish you have a great day! "The Author"

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