Out Of Country Vacation

My husband and I planning to have a short vacation this coming month during Easter days. We did not yet decided where to go but just out of country. However, what keep in my mind having a new LCD TV than to have a vacation. I am confused which I should choose having a big new LCD TV or to have vacation? I talked to him which is expensive one having a vacation or having a new LCD TV? Then he told me “having a vacation with me is the most expensive one, that made me laughed and quite silly answered and then were laughing together.

For almost 6 years now together with him we had always vacation out of country and now that I missed so much because last year were not having out of country vacation as my mom with us from Philippines we had just vacation in the south of Switzerland.

Oh yay, I don’t know yet which I choose…having a new LCD TV just stay at home vacation or having out of county vacation?

Furthermore, this coming autumn season we are going to the Philippines to have a 3 weeks vacation and spend time together my siblings with my mom and dad. I am so excited about this vacation.


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