Crazy Weather

We are encountering now crazy weather here in our place. This coming week still rainy and cold. Oh my thanks God in his goodness last Saturday my husband not already affected a flu…now his doing well but sometimes his like a dog keep barking in night because of the hard cough. Now….Darn I felt so bad my self, now my son baby Cd having flu, cold and cough. Last night I have not good slept because my son started having a fever. I hope that he is getting better soon I feel so pity of him that’s hurting when I am looking at him lying on the bed and when I carry him. Before he sleeps tonight, we gave him a cough, cold syrup and syrup against for fever. He cannot sleep very well because of cold and he has a fever now 39.5 as I measured using thermometer before he fall asleep this night.

Get well soon my son. Ok folks, that is all for now, see you later for more update. Wish you had a great Sunday.


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