Appetite Suppressant

Oh yay, it’s December, Christmas parties are everywhere now. There are fine foods prepared on the table, there are chocolates and cookies gifts from someone. How could you escape those finest food in this Christmas if you were on diet ? There are diet pills that you can find on the net now that you should know and there is appetite suppressant that can help you not hungry while you are in diet. There are diet pills that can suppress your appetite, just make it sure that is effective, safe and fit on you. You try the best appetite suppressant and tale regularly exercise everyday.


Pinoy Big Brother Duoble Up

I keep watching Pinoy Big Brother Double up. I am eager the result every elimination night and excited to an end that who will win in this reality shows in Philippines. I watch this every night at Filipino channel which makes me excited everyday too. Hopefully that who win this reality shows will deserved it and hope that the Filipino people will choose the right one the best one.


Home Insurance

Insurance is very important. There are countries insurance is important, you can’t live in that country without insurance, this is the place where I am living health insurance is necessary.

Home insurance is for home and properties protection for accident that may happened at home. There are home insurances where you can get discounts, as low as prices as now or competitive prices or you can compare insurance quotes. Take a tour, I am sure you’ll find the best one. Wish you have a great day.


Swine Flu Vaccine

I was under the weather last week. It was not so worse, I had cough, cold and fever. I thanks God it was not Swine flu..oh yay there were many people here in our place affected by swine flu. There is offer also now a vaccine for swine flu, my husband had vaccine for swine flu last Thursday and baby Cd will be next week have a vaccine. I hope my baby get well soon from his hard cough as he can go to the doctor and have vaccine. I am not so afraid of the swine flu but it is really need to be careful as this is also a killer flu at this time.

Oks folks, hope everything doing well and have a great day to all of you.


Wrinkle Cream

In times of ages, our skin changes too. We are worried when we got wrinkles on our skin. It’s sad to say that but that is the reality of our living.

To get rid off wrinkle, we thanks to dermatologist, there are wrinkle cream that we can buy we must just make sure is effective and safe money guarantee back. I knew that is not so easy to find as also there are many wrinkle cream are available on the market, we just know which is the best for our skin and makes all wrinkle disappear.


I'll Promise

I had so much errands few weeks ago. I don’t denied it, I was not able updated my blog few weeks ago, Oh my, I don’t like my blog inactive in the network but the time is tough….Thanks God now I have time and I am back, I promise, I’ll update everyday if I got time even just a short I update, will active again and makes me feel good when I update my blog every time in a day.

Well I have a lot to tell here, good news for…will tell you folks…very exciting. J Wish you have a good day.


Auto Towing

Sometimes when you were in travel you weren’t sure that you safe and your motor car breakdown on the road. RV towing is so expensive. As we had experienced our auto was broke down on the road and my husband I thanks we have auto emergency road service. If you have one rv emergency road service I am sure you can have discount and don’t need to pay too much for service.


Furnitures We Need For Our New Flat

At last we were finished moved in our things in out new flat our things that we needs.

Last Saturday we bought a new closets and bed one set together, it was quiet expensive though but I like it, it is great quality and we bought cabinet too for glass wine. The bed and closets will deliver next week and cabinet will deliver later on. I am so excited to have these new things for our sleeping room and our living room furniture. We have a new couch from my mom in-law yet not so new but looks great and modern. We need to have a new lamp for living room, kitchen and sleeping rooms too…and one cabinet for bathrooms and curtains for our windows…oh yay! Is not so fast to have those things, we need time to think so that will look good together and fit our new flat and look beautiful yet look modern.


Pet Lover

I am also pet lover. The most I like fish and dog. We have aquarium full of fishes sometimes my boy feed it. It’s so fun having a puppy dog at home too and to play with. To have a puppy dog is not so easy too, it’s also need care and your love and treat as like your family and buying needs pet supplies products or pet loving stuff that keep your dog fit, healthy and happy every time and together with you. Yeah, dog is the best companions and friends at the same time. Wish you enjoy. Have a great day.


That's My Boy

Its Halloween day, time for tricks and treats…Its really fun. Just now I arrived from Filipino Halloween party, they had Halloween costumes contest. It was so fun looking those sexy, scary Halloween costumes. My son next year I’ll try to buy a costumes for him to join the contest J I am sure my son love it as he always wanted to go at the front stage during the party we’ve been. When the music started he danced at the front with adult people too and clapping his hands too appreciating the program ha-ha-ha he is so sweet and good boy..hmmm. soon I have dancer boy J


Shipping Box

I shipped things twice in a year to my parents as I am far of them. Sometimes I sent and used big shipping box and sometimes small boxes it depends on the things that I send to them. Last few weeks ago before we transferred in our new flat I sent present to them for Christmas, I am sure they’ll like it. I am sure they will surprised because I wasn’t telling to them that I already sent present gift for this Christmas.


I Am So Excited For My Sister

I am happy to heard that my sister is now pregnant and I am gonna be proud Aunt to have nephews or nieces twin, so exciting right? My son have an American cousins, yupeyy! I am excited for my sister her due next year at the month of June. If I am not on my way too we will going to visit her next year I am so excited to see her and her husband too. I really miss them.

To my sis, take care yourself as you are now on pregnancy period of twin…I am so excited for you both your husband. Sleep in the right time and eat a lot of vitamins food.

Wish you have a great day folks.



Speaking of food diet, oh yay, I can’t do it. It is so difficult, as I want to eat a lot of food every meal time and eat sweet foods for snacks. I knew a good diet is important for everyone of us and that’s I want to maintain my body healthy and maintain body weight, I am not good in this I eat a lot of sweet foods that’s why I gain weight and get belly fat.


True Friend?

To find a good friend true friend it is difficult, is not so easy and very hard to find. There are people as we can say friend but they are not true friends, they are backstabbing that you doesn’t know, even just you were in front of them they were backstabbing you, and they foold you infront of your friends and people that you doesn’t know. I knew one of my aquintances, she has bad attitude, fool her friend and backstabbing infront of her which is really bad and I can say that is not really to be a friend of her, right? Oh yay, I don’t spend a lot of time to the people like this, they are just wasting my time.


Toy Laptop Computer

My son turning 2 years this coming month of November, my husband and I don’t know yet what we should buy for him. I thought to buy a new stroller easy to bring which is lightweight stroller and a toy Laptop computer. He have a lot of toys but one thing that I like to present for him is a toy laptop computer which is also good for his age which educational Laptop learning computer toy. What do you think guys? Isn’t good idea? I hope this is it!


He Wondered

I have so many works here in my computer and need to finish packing some things. I can’t do this at the same time..i really thanks to my husband , he help me a lot packing and carrying things I knew he can’t look me that I am busy packing and carrying things. I am almost done packing, and the rest , is just my clothes in my closets need to pack at this time. I knew this will be finish and need to be done soon.
I am so amazed CD my 23 months old son wondering what happening of his surroundings, I knew he can’t understand all of what happening at our flat, he wondered why we keep packing things, I knew soon he can understand why.


Cosmetic Dentist

It is so great feelings when you have perfect teeth and attractive smile. Sometimes you feel shy and no confidence to smile because of some problem of your teeth. Plano cosmetic dentist will create your new smile improving aesthetics of your smile.

I knew what the feeling having a broken teeth, I experienced of that kind of feeling I was shy to smile and no confidence because of my broken teeth. Just had it perfect teeth and have a perfect smile when was fixed it few months ago. After that, I feel so comfy smiling to someone which is a great feelings.


Excited To Our New Flat

These days I am so busy packing for all our things to transfer to our new flat. We have a lot of boxes now on our 3 rooms and this afternoon I pack my clothes which I don’t for fall time.
After a day of my birthday is our day to transfer to our new flat…we have ten days to transfer our things, so we enough time and not so stress transferring.

I feel so excited for happening of my life that I never expected that we buy a new flat, it was really surprising for me. I gonna post some photos here later on if we are there in our new flat.


Safety First

Safety first. This is the first sentence when we work on site, we must used safety vests, right? Pool, lakeside, pond or even in beaches or on the road use proper safety equipment that can help to reduced the number of accident on lives. Water can be also dangerous, if you not taking proper precautions there are many ways that you stay safe. Buy safety vests, safety equipments, safety gears or safety products for yourself, or for business or maybe for your workers.


Do You Believe Bible?

There are many calamity happenings now our surroundings...some people said, and ask the question is this the end of the world?, as what the bible said?
—Global financial crisis, calamities and global warming the difficult problem arises and that we are facing now…
There are countries calamities, like Philippines where my homeland facing calamities just few days ago super typhoon came and in Indonesia which last few days ago having an earthquake and there are hundreds of people are died and having war country VS. we look back year by year, every year there were calamties happened in our lives..Is this the end of the world …what will be happened in the next generation?

As what I knew and had read from bible the world will not end will stay forever. If we read the bible I think we will know the answers of those questions.

There is no date in the bible that the end of the world… and it is said in bible …God will come as like a thief man where no one knows when he arrive.…

We just stay pray to God….Prayer is powerful…


Free Web Directories

Are you trying to improve your website ranking? Do you know that how you can improve your website boost traffic thousands of visitors in your websites in a day? You need to submit to web directories whether paid or free web directories to make sure traffic website. When you are seeking link popularity and increase to your website traffic you check out free SEO friendly directory, free SEO tips and many more. Submit your website as you can and increase website traffic. Wish you have a great day.


Just A Little bit About Of My Grand Mom In-law

Just came home visiting from my grand mom in-law. My grand mom in-law is already 92 years old, she can’t walk very good now though we thanks that she’s healthy and still remember us. It’s almost 2 months now she’s living at home of ages. She told us she doesn’t like to live it there, she wanted to live at her home until she rest but that is not possible. She can’t cook anymore and walk good so she need help and need to stay at home of ages.

We never leaved her alone almost everyday we visited her and that made her happy seeing us and her grand grandson.

My husband and I noticed to her very quick changed. We thought that it is….When time of ages is very quick changes. Last August we know that she can still cooked for her self, she can do what she want, she can walk without our help, she can clean, she can wash the dishes but when she was fell down and admitted in hospital for 2 weeks last August and everything was changed, she can’t walk anymore, just lying down on the bed and sit down on stroller and chairs… We never thought that was her last month last days staying her memorable home. Now she is staying at home of ages. Oh my, we know that the life of living, in times when we get older…we can’t do anything when our time.


Auto Accessories

Most of the time I drive my car going to my work. Actually I like my car not a brand new car but I like driving it. I like listening music while driving. I feel comfort driving and the best thing which is look cool that is a great thing to have a car is to style and design to make you car look cool and beauty just check auto accessories.

If you like to maintain your vehicles look beauty check auto accessory showcase I know that you need auto accessories providing all things for car design, like wheels, floor mats, chrome trim, spoilers, body, customs grilles basically automotive accessories to make your car style.


My Birthday Is Lime

Oh yay! My birthday is coming. This coming October 20, I’m getting old now, in the next year my age not anymore written in calendar. While my birthday is coming so I tried out to test my self what the color is my birthday. Here is the result:

Your Birthday is Lime

You are the envious type. You can't help it... you always want what you can't have.

Your jealousy is rare in that it's actually quite healthy. Envy is what motivates you in life.

You want to be the most successful, most liked, and most wealthy person you know.

And even if you don't get there, you work every day at being a better person.
What about yours? test yourself at you have a great day..enjoy!!!


Weight Loss Pills

In living there is safe and unsafe, there is good and bad. I am not talking about the attitude here, I want to share you, if you are looking fat burners, weight loss product, make it sure first if that is safe and unsafe. As you know that weight loss supplements now are in demand in the market. Hundreds of diet pills products you find online but are you sure that diet pill you found is safe, effective one and guarantee money back? Before you buying the diet make it sure first, read consumer reviews and rated. Find out best weight loss products now carefully. Wish you have a good day.


Free Games Online

Free Games online it can be addicted, this is what I am doing past few days ago. If you are member in Facebook you can play any games just for free, if you want to earn more points you can buy if you want it. As for me, I played games for 3 days now, I am enjoying and having fun playing those cute games like FarmVille and YovVille. I am not buying have higher points I just work to get more higher points and meet new friends and add friends for the game to reach a high score. It’s really fun, you try it you should try it. Look my profile badge at my other blog at to add me.

Wish you have a good day.


Shopping Online

Shopping online is always fun and wonderful. As a mom, so easy, always the best and most convenient to shop online than store. I am so grateful if my favorite online shop every item has on sale products and have weekly deals, which is the best and can search prices range and any items what you like, a brand items, from hot gadgets, cool electronics and laptop computers, movies, music and books. You know that shopping online; it can be money saving experience buying discounts items, hassle free and time consuming. You can shop anytime and anywhere you want.


The Heart Of Swiss Sport

Magglingen- the place that we had visit last Sunday located at the mount of Biel and offers beautiful view of Lake Biel and over the seeland and the gigantic Alps of Switzerland that is worth well seeing. Magglingen the Swiss town named “heart of Swiss Sport” the home of the Federal Office of Sport and the Swiss Sports School and situated 900 m above sea level. To magglingen can be reach with cable car with 10 minutes and it is possible with car.


Natural Stone Bathroom Sink

Few years ago, I visited to my friend. She is living a bit far in our place where we live in. She has a beautiful house. One thing that I like the most of their house they have beautiful and modern kitchen and bathroom. They have beautiful stone sink in the bathroom. I was impressed on that time when I saw that, its form like a shell that beautiful and look sophisticated for the bathroom.

This is what I have an idea for our new flat to get a new sink for our bathroom a natural stone bathroom sink. I discovered stone sinks store to look one. I should tell to my husband if he likes it.


Fine Dinner

Hi, folks just got home from celebrating my grand mom in-law birthday at restaurant Hotel Kreuz in Hettiswil nearby by Krauthal. We were a little bit late arrived at restaurant, when we came at restaurant my in-laws already in their just my boy and me, my husband that they waited yet we were luck we were not quiet so late. We had chitchat with my in-laws; my boy was most of the time made fun to the brother of my mom in-law and the rest. I had Spaghetti Napoli as I haven’t spaghetti for a long time so I got it…the spaghetti the taste nothing so special my husband and my in-laws has fine food…. In addition, I had ice cream with snaps for a dessert hmmm…it was yummy. It was great bonding together again with my inlaw. We had fine dinner celebrating of my grand mom in-law’s birthday.


Insurance Online

As of now, we were still facing global financial crisis when we are going to buy something important we have to budget, save money, and get the things in cheapest way. If you are going to buy life insurance, auto insurance, health insurance just look the insurance quotes if that meet your needs. Surely, you check first insurance online to be sure. Health insurance and life insurance now are as low as you can afford it; you can save money more when you are comparing insurance quotes as my husband and I did it. We can save money and good for our budget.



It’s just another day, another day of dollar and it’s another lucky day for me. I can resist saying that, I feel so overwhelm that we bought a new flat. I am saying that because I am so excited to our new flat that we are going to transfer at the end of October, isn’t so near? Yay, time flies so fast right? I can get enough saying here in my blog.

Anyway, if you are the one following of my blog my post, I posted some pictures from our vacation in Italy in Piedmont region at my other blog at see you there.
Wish you have a great day ahead.


Diet Supplements

Diet supplements are much known now. There are thousands of weight loss supplements available now in the market but we do not know which the best one is and do really work.

I am gaining weight now, my husband keep saying that I must keeping my diet but as what I’ve knew there are diet supplements now is safe and effective, though it is not so easy to choose the best one, safe and do really work as there are a lot of diet pills now available.


A Short Vacation

It’s been awhile since we had vacation. Now the planned was fixed last few days and we are going to travel tomorrow going to Italy for vacation.
This is so exciting…
Yes, start tomorrow I am off for a short vacation we are out of our country, it is time to relax, have some fun under the sun and stroll interesting attraction with my lalabs and friends (*smile*).


Moen Faucets

Renovation of your flat is need of time and need budget. Yeah, is such a great thing to have a new looking inside at your house. The most important part for me and challenge me renovating our bathroom and kitchen and to have a perfect stylish bath faucets I found out Moen faucets unique, reliable and affordable bathrooms faucets yet look sophisticated. If you are, finding faucets look stylish designer collection faucets collections from Moen. Wishing you have a great time.


Cleaning Time

I am very glad we were going to transfer to our new flat before this Christmas. Is not so easy transferring to a new flat, we need to pack important things and clean our old flat, which is a lot of work, yeah both are a lot of work but cleaning is the isn’t so easy. However, my husband told me to get a professional cleaner. I can’t clean all around the house 1 by 1 specially the most difficult are the glass window, we have big 6 big glass window every rooms and in our living room the most biggest. I can’t clean by my self of that, I really need help, I hope this will be done and okay soon. I finish cleaning one window today; I hope that tomorrow I could start the other window. That’s all for now folks, see you later for more updates.


Beautiful Office Furniture

In working time, we need also comfort chairs a good furniture for office room. It’s a great thing if I buy a new office furniture for our new house. Yeah, my husband has office furniture; he used everyday at every time he works. I cannot use it. What I wish now to have my own office furniture too, beautiful, neat and clean office room. I found office furniture antiques sophisticated look unique and with truly stunning beauty nature working environment. It’s beautiful to have a thing that


Excited For Tomorrow

I was so busy cleaning something in my flat that is why I have not time to update this blog just being ready to transfer to our new flat. However, I need also to finish my assignment in here that really need to be finish today.

Oh my now, my blog need my attention so badly I did not update few days ago. Oh sorry my blog, my guest my visitor of my blog for not visiting you back, surely, I visit you then when I got time.

Anyway, I am so excited for a little birthday party of my friend tomorrow. I am happy I meet again my friends and bonding time together with them seems almost a month now we haven’t meet each other. This is so excited, gosh am so excited!


Finest And Perfect Coffee

Coffee machine is a great thing to add to your kitchen if you love coffee and also to prefer coffees for your guests and serve them a finest and perfect quality Nespresso espresso coffee machine.

Yes, I love coffee. Coffee in the morning and coffee in the afternoon. We have coffee machine that I love to use but seems getting old now we planned to buy a new one for our new flat a new thing a Nespresso espresso coffee machine.


Thank You, President Cory Aquino

A true mother of democracy a strong woman, a prayerful leader and a woman of courage at 3:18 early morning today, a beloved former president of the Philippines Cory Aquino passes away of cardio respiratory arrest with her children at her bedside.
SALAMAT (Thank You) President Cory Aquino you will be forever in our hearts not only all the Filipino people but also the rest of the world.
May You Rest In Peace.


Bed Wedges

Sometimes I nap in the afternoon to keep my self relax during daytime. What a nice things is to have a bed wedges to have more relaxing during napping time and bed rest time to have comfort nights sleeping. It is helpful for shoulder, neck and leg pain and it can use in different angle, great use wherever you are, in your bed or on sofa or relaxing on the floor or at any corner in your house. This is things is great addition for living.


A Kind Of Salad Am I

Hahaha..this is very funny, this afternoon i had nothing to do, I keep online and surfing around, what keep me busy testing my self at of what Kind of Salad am I.

And this is what I’ve got.

I am Ceasar Salad and here is the explanation.

"You are very popular and easy to love. You strike a cord with people.
You are friendly and careful not to offend anyone. You try hard to get along.

And while you may avoid controversy, you are still very sincere. People love that about you.
You are dependable and steady. With you, what you see is what you get."

wow, this is 99% true hehehe. What about you, what kind of salad you are?
you try to test yourself now. Enjoy!


Blue Advantage

As where I am living, health insurance is very important it is obligatory you really must have health insurance. I found that to have health insurance is great, as we improves to care our health and improve timely medical care for our future and for our family for secure or for any several reasons. Have you heard Blue Advantage? Blue Advantage a North Carolina health insurance, best service that you can easily find rates and quote health plans for your own and for your family that you loved.
If you are looking health plans I suggest to check it out, I hope this will help you and give you information. Wish you have a great day.


Our Planned

Oh my, it has been 2 weeks since I made entry in this my blog. I say sorry for that, I was so busy and my husband too. What keep me busy fast few weeks, we had a lot of appointment, because this coming November we are going to transfer to our new flat. Yes! That’s it! We found a new flat that I can say, my new flat, our new own flat soon and I can really say that where we can start our future. Yes, really a new flat!
Furthermore, we also planning before we transfer to our new flat, we visit and have a vacation in Philippines for 3 weeks. Yes, it is quiet stress, but I knew, me and my husband we can drive it! we knew that transferring to another flat is not so easy, a lot of things to do, but we knew we can do it, we must do it because…this is our new flat, that we really wishing for.

Oks, folks that’s all for now, I’ll share you some more update. Wish you have a great day.


Beauty Is For Living

As a woman, we really care our self, to have sexy body and we do to make still look younger our face even just how old we are. It is says that beauty is for living is not just for show. Of course, when we get older, our skin will change its getting wrinkles and that really as people ages. If you have taken good care of you skin and putting eye wrinkle cream it good be great that get more skin looking great and feeling more younger and fresh everyday. As early as young we must know to take good care of our skin, not too much spending time under the sun because that also the one can get have wrinkle in early age.

I think this is a good sharing, for all of us, not just for me also for you, to all someone out there to love their self to love still look young. Ok, that’s for now folks, wish you have a great day.


Thank You For The Music Michael Jackson

I love music, one of my favorite singer also is Michael Jackson. Yeah I am, I like all his music, and he was great singer and great performer and very talented man. I thank you to Michael Jackson that he shared his music to us and gave to us and thank for the memories MJ. People love you, we really do! You will live forever in our hearts. You were the greatest singer of all time. MJ, thank you for the music, your music will live forever. Goodbye Michael Jackson. Rest in peace.

Open Michael Jackson website at Wish you have a great day.


Diet Pills That Work

I gain after I gave birth of my baby boy. I have not enough time to go to my gym. I don’t know what I should do. We know that there are diet pills now available in the market but we must be sure first, what diet pills that work and safe.

Nowadays experts continue their search to find out for a safe diet pills that work. Do really diet pills work and effective? Have you ever heard that diet pills that work, safe, effectiveness weight loss, cost and money back guarantee?

These days thousands of consumers using diet pills even just celebrities are using weight loss pills. We must be sure to choose a best diet pills that are safe and effective that clinically proven weight loss products. If you were looking click the link that I highlighted this information may be help you to find a best diet pills.


Not So Well Last Night

Last night, I thought to finish my online assignment last night but I had not enough time and I felt so bad, I was feeling not well my stomach it was something in my stomach…. something I got stomach flu I was keeping going on the toilette…I was really felling so bad. My husband made a tee for me, I took also a medicine for my headache so I go to bed and I slept earlier than I used to sleep so late and this morning I woke up I felt so good and thought to start another a new day another new assignment house hold choir to do.


Industrial Hand Wheels

Sometime we need also some industrial hand wheels too easy to work and feel comfortable anytime when we were fixing bicycle or machine tools. Hand wheels that are to use revolving around an axis or for foldaway handle that ease to use. If you are looking industrial hand wheels to use to adjust a variety of machinery functions and control access to compartments I am sure this is good news for you find out and check it out variety of hand wheels available at Reid Supply Company a suppliers quality hand wheels since 1948. Feel relax and check online just click the link that I highlighted and wish you have a great day.


Cruising Ship

Yesterday it was a beautiful day… the friend of my husband a godfather of our son was with us with his wife and 2 and half years daughter. When we arrived at the port the friends of my husband already their and already bought a ticket for us…it was their trip for us so we really thanks for them. We cruise ship and enjoyed the trip from Thun to Spiez. Baby Cd enjoyed playing with their daughter. While on board in the ship we just enjoying the beautiful scenery and beautiful views of the alpine. We took our lunch at the restaurant by the shore in Spiez village. The village is so cute and calm place, I really love the place, and there are some tourist people too.

Here are some photos my husband took.

Photo took in the ship and looking to the Shadau Castle Thun

Lovely Spiez Castle..where you can see also the amazing alpine

here is the restaurant we took lunch in Spiez...they served yummy food plus fantastic views of the Alpine :-)


Beautiful Outer Banks Homes

How I wish to have a beautiful, relax vacation, and stay in romantic Outer Banks foreclosures dramatic oceanfront then after in the afternoon waiting and looking the sun when goes down before the dark come and walk on the seashores with bare foots with my husband and baby CD, isn’t romantic? What a beautiful and romantic living that beautiful homes outer banks in North Carolina that I just found now. Look at that how so beautiful it is; just click the link that I highlighted.


Just Complexion

Ehwww we were now at the end of June, summer is just around yet the weather still predictable. July is approaching, eww…it’s vacation time and go to the beach. I missed really going to the beach. Yet we have only lake here in our place it’s cold yet cool temperature but I really like to go to the beach. Sometimes I thought I won’t go to beach as I don’t like my skin turns dark brown ha-ha-ha as I am Filipino don’t like to be dark brown but my husband begging me that he really like my skin if turns dark brown nyay! Anyway, that really wants white people a brown complexion skin but I think not all white people like brown skin, am I right?


Home Insurance

Home insurance is very important in living this could be protect your home properties, damage and injuries or liability insurance for accidents that can’t be expected that happen to your home, damage or losses of your personal things, home is the biggest things investment in our living. This home insurance could be protecting you and to your family from accident and damage to your own private properties.

There is home insurance that we can compare quotes that we can get the best price and the best home insurance policy and give us tips. Check out and save more money.


5th Wedding Anniversary Gift

I am so excited what my husband to buy for me for our fifth wedding anniversary. He told that I need to choose what I like to have I told him to buy a watch for me again; I do not know yet which I choose for a brand. Yes, I like watches very much, I have three different watches already…but I like to buy again…a type of sport watch…I have idea already what I like….but you know my mind also always changing (*sigh*) don’t know yet what it is!

Let me look folks in the internet and get an idea...
That’s all for now I’ll tell you later on what kind of watch that I bought.. (*smile*). Wish you have a great week ahead.


Payday Loans

Money is important in our living; we cannot have what we wanted to buy if we have no money. There are people hunger and no home and now we were facing global financial crisis there are people losing their job and in financial difficulties. In this situation as we were facing global financial crisis and were in financial problems and need a cash immediately the answer is to apply payday loans.

Now, thanks that there is money lenders that we can have money anytime or immediately. We need a quick pay day loans that offers simple loans until payday just apply online available nationwide with no credits check required and receive money instantly, apply safely and secure. I am sure this is the great answer for financial problems. Wish you have a great time.


Looking Forward To Visit Her

Moving to a new place far from a state you’ve been for many years is not so easy, this is what my sister told me. There is many things to do and packed it is also stressful.

My sister moving to MI states from Fl States of U.S.A. She is now closer to her parent in-laws and siblings of her husband. I am so excited to visit her again in U.S, I do not know when but I hope I can visit her with my husband and my son someday. I am eager to see her again and her husband and of course, their new house new home. I am so happy he is also near now to her in-laws that she can easy to call everyday just in a block away from her new house though its cold place unlike Florida has mild weather. Wew Is also good for her too, she can play snow when times of winter…when she like it..hmmm...I am sure she'll like it!


Elegant Bathroom Vanities

To have a beautiful home make you feel comfortable living makes you feel stress free and more relax. I am a woman a wife and a mom who love decorating our home that has made me comfort and make my day beautiful when I saw my home surroundings are in order and look neat.

My husband and I talked about to have new VANITIES bathroom cabinets for my hair dryer, face cream, make up kits and mouth wash etc. just a small one yet elegant vanity. I’ll make sure that bathroom vanities looks perfect, unique and fit to our bathroom. I am so excited to have a new look our bathroom that less cluttered and neater looks fresh every day.


Listen Big Hits Music

I missed listening music in my computer. So at this moment while I am chatting to my friends through ym and writing this entry I keep listening music today big hits music. Oh yay! I really miss it. I like different genres music….just lovely song… even though old one ha-ha-ha.

One music that I like to hit the floor is the song from Lady Gaga titled “POKER FACE” this is what my friends telling me what we gonna to dance when there is a party coming. Hmmm there is no party coming at this summer. Maybe next year it will be my birthday party ha-ha-ha but I don’t plan that we are going to have a party in my 30th birthday and that’s “Poker face” dance music will be old music too so that not a hit anymore…we know that every season has new big hits music. Nyay!


Moving To A New House

Moving to another home, a new house, a new city, a new place, another country is not an easy thing it can be so stressful, many things to pack your important things and it’s time consuming task too. When moving to a new house you think first how much the move will cost.

If you are looking moving companies, I think this is good news for you look for moving companies Los Angeles a trusted and highest quality service a moving specialist since 1995. You look the right moving company, reliable, price guarantee and insurance and look for a moving quote, that make you stress free to move to another new house.


Bedtime Stories

This was a second time movie we had watched at home with my friend. Is not a new movie this was release last year 2008.

I like this movie, adventure and comedy movie of Adam Sandler as a Skeeter Bronson's. I laughed when Skeeter says “THE END” when his telling a stories to his nephew and niece. He so excited telling stories to his niece and nephew every night even just 6’oclock he wanted to tell stories…as he knows that one day that when the bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to mysteriously come true.

Read short synopsis.

A family comedy about a hotel handyman whose life changes when the lavish bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to magically come true.

Whatever they dream up... he has to survive.

Every day is a new adventure.

Coming True Christmas Day

What if the stories you told came to life.


Vegetable Plants

Do you know that why I love vegetables? Its healthy food and because I care my own health not just that and I care our natures and last because of religious beliefs. Yeah, know I am vegetarian a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I was only 2 years old I started as a vegetarian. What I want to have a little garden and plants a vegetables I really like. When I was browsing online to buy live vegetable plants I came across edible plants have available Asparagus- Mary Washington and Asparagus-purple passion. Hmm yummy I love Asparagus, this is a very tasty, very nutritious and healthy vegetables. Yeah, this is not only an affordable vegetables but this is a very healthy food.


A Good Joke From Baby Cd

My 19 months old son is more wiser and smarter. He loves to trek mom and dad everyday. Every time mom and dad looking at him while playing, he did trek to us. One time he was eating spaghetti in restaurant, on that time he had a dirty round mouth and his dad took a picture. Then Cd eager to look the picture what dad took…while looking the picture of him in the camera he was wondering and he had round big eyes he was looking so shocked…because he saw his face in the pictures with dirty round mouth full of spaghetti sauce…and you know what he took? He took a table napkin…and his dad thought he wipe his mouth…but he wiped to the pictures in the camera…hahahaha…it was really funny….me and my husband really had a loud laughed in the restaurant. Look at the photo my husband took to my baby, this was it! that he wanted to wipe his dirty mouth in the picture…hahahaha… It was really a good joke…we never thought baby Cd did it a good joke but baby Cd never meant that…he also laughed together with mom and dad.


Custom Software

Having a small or medium business is not so easy and not just a joke there are many needs, many papers to arrange and to be done. In fact, if we want a successful business if we need help we need a custom software and development to help to plan, improve and to reach your unique business goal. We need a custom software most appropriate technology, develop solutions and efficient design for small and big business.


Chill Summer Days

As of today morning when I woke up and look outside it was quiet dark and cloudy even it was already around 9 AM in the morning. I watched weather update last night, again this weekend and this coming week the weather is again unpredictable because of that bonding together outside with my family this weekend it would be only inside our house or maybe we drive our car again quiet too far from our place within 2 hours drive our car.

This is the bad thing when you are living in the country that the weather is unpredictable, you can’t go anytime outside because it’s cold, feel like you are in the freezer, it’s really freezing! Oi thanks that we are not living in the flat land (*smile*) I think it will be boring when you are living in the flat land as you can’t go for snow sledging, skiing, snow boarding… just ski run that you can do in flat land this is what I’ve thought… all we can say that winter sport. Thanks, that hills and mountains surround us; we can do anything during wintertime all kinds of winter sports.

Nevertheless, summer is approaching, very soon! I hope that this summer will perfect weather and nice to go to picnic and swim to the lake with my friends and family. So excited here…so let us chill the summer days.


I love My Balcony

It has been 4 weeks now we bought grill, table and chairs for our balcony. One thing that I forgot to buy to make our outdoor setting is outdoor pillows. I am glad I discover super sale durable outdoor pillows. This is what I am looking for now, to make our outdoor looking good to have colourful and perfect outdoor pillows to our balcony. You know that summer is so great spending leisure time together my family and friends. We have plants on our balcony and now the plants are flowering, it is so beautiful looking now I did watering everyday. I create my balcony looking good and more welcoming atmosphere for my visitors.


In Love

Last Monday it was 35 degrees Celsius it was so hot feeling like were in Philippines and suddenly at Tuesday the weather was changed, the weather turns lil bit cold and windy and now, it is almost a week now always windy and still lil bit cold, it’s seems like autumn season huhh… nonetheless summer is approaching, right?

This is what we wait summer season, great to go beach lying under the sun and go picnic with families and friends, isn’t so great bonding with friends and families?

I plan for a picnic for this coming 3 week of June if the weather is perfect warm together my friends as my husband and I, our 5th wedding anniversary. If the weather is strange, we will stay at home and cook for my friends for lunchtime.

Oh yay time is really goes by so fast, I can’t imagine, we are 5 years married now and still in love each other and has more stronger relationship. Who is not being happy woman who has married a wonderful man? Sooo… in love…nyay!


Fat Burners

If you want sexy body, I am sure you do your best to take lose fat. Yes, I want too, I want my tummy look flat and sexy. I knew there are people taking fat burners and looking fat burners. There are over thousands of fat burners now available on the market and even you search on Google, means that it is so hard to find which the best fat burners are. If we are patient to read consumers reviews and rated fat burners I am sure we can find one the best fat burners.


Tour Places in Bodensee Region

We had beautiful weekend. My husband, Cd and I we travelled around Bodensee region. We tour some places around Bodensee reigion like Friedrichhafen, Lindau Germany, Brigenz Austria and Rorschach and Romanshorn Switzerland. It was our first destination was Friedrichhafen. We went to Friedrichhafen town a lovely town by the shore of Bodensee. Before reaching Friedrichhafen we took a ship with car to Meersburg, Germany closing Friedrichhafen, Germany within 20 minutes with car. On that weekend, the weather temperature was perfect, I felt like I was in Spain, it was hot! We roam around the city and went to the park where we saw bunch of tourist people like us. We took a walked by the park over looking the lake.

I’ll share you some photos later on my dear friends. That is all for now wish you have a great day to start the new weekdays.


My Tiny Laptop

I love my laptop tiny laptop, small and very convenient one. My laptop is my second buddy. When I received laptop a couples of years ago, I was happy and my everyday lives were change. My day without my laptop is incomplete as a person love chatting, surfing and I love editing photos using it.

I plan to buy a new laptop for my husband as he has old kind of laptop and it is almost 7 years old now. I found a laptop, which is affordable one and has price reduction, a laptop with camera built-in, wide screen and many features.


Happy 30th Birthday

It’s my brother birthday tomorrow. He turns 30 years old. He’s older than I. He asked something for me but I could not give as what he wants now. I told him maybe next time I will give him a special things if am there this year as we are planning to have a vacation this coming autumn season. The date is not already fix just we say at the end of the autumn season. I am so excited to step my homeland and of course to my beloved parents and my siblings.

To my brother, this is for you; happy 30th birthday, wish you all the best in your life and many more birthday has to come.



Life is tough, life is like a roller coaster, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. Most problems now are financial and there are millions of people suffering diseases and illnesses. Having a cancer is so hard to cure and tough disease. If you are diagnosed mesothelioma cancer and need help, you check out mesothelioma symptoms and treatments, lung cancer lawyers or attorneys as soon as possible.


He Is My Shepherd

This morning I sent some penny to my parents. It has been awhile since I gave some penny to them. I sent also because my father going to manila to attend meetings of religious group. No one accompanied to him going to Manila, I am afraid that he will lose their as there are bad, dishonest, cheater people out their. Anyway, God is always here for us and guide us, we just believe in him and you are blessed. It is say in the bible in Psalm 23: 1 “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want”

Oh my, my mom telling me now that there were breakers, thief people entered the house of my brother last night in manila and got DVD player…what a heck people! My bro let those people to the hand of God. God knows them and God will give them a punishment!


Appetite Suppressant

When you are on diet, you are restricted what you eat but sometimes when it comes to delicious food or in a party, we cannot resist trying out to eat so you forgot your diet. This is what I had my experienced today, when I saw chocolate and delicious cake oh my I ate a lot. I heard that appetite suppressants for fast weight loss. What if I will try an appetite suppressant that can curb craving, can burn fat too and suppress appetite as my friend told me few months ago.


Just This Weekend

Its weekend, thought today is not nice weather as this morning I woke up it was a little bit dark sky and it was getting to rain. Then at noontime hubby arrived from his grand mom and we went to mall and had a grocery. While on the way to the mall, the weather was getting beautiful but we decided not to have outing today just fix all things that we need to be done ‘til tomorrow.

I painted the board of our aquarium, color white, while hubby fixing our new grill machine just we bought this afternoon. It was almost 2 hours to finished painting and I need to wait 12 hours until to put again finishing color. I am sure this would go great and suit color to our TV furniture. This is my second time painting…the first first was my parents house in Philippines. Hubby let me do it those things as he does not know to paint it (*laugh*). I will show you some photos later on folks. Wish you have a great weekend.


Industrial Equipment

I am interested to buy one an adjustable ladder and stairs platforms as I am small girl. When I need to get something and place our drawer that I cannot reach, I can get easily with comfort using ladder and stairs. I looked at Reid Supply, good quality and affordable one.

For those looking industrial equipment this is good news for you, they are a distributor of industrial components and supplies, sure, they have that what you are looking for your needs and at the priced that you need it, offering industrial equipment higher quality.


After Fixing

Sometime is so disgusting when someone pressured you to have this kind of things and join them even they know that not possible to come because you have another appointment in the same. This what I had experience

In our living room now TV furniture, TV and aquarium are in order. TV furniture just arrived yesterday that we had bought for a week ago. We did it last night fixing all those things! Just to finish connecting DVD speakers today then all things are in order. Tomorrow I need to buy a white paint for our aquarium board…that color uniform to our TV furniture.

This morning when I was awake my muscles are painful I think because of last night that I had carried so heavy things aquarium, a big plasma TV and TV furniture … My husband can’t do by himself so I helped him. I feel so bad right now,…it’s something my arms I felt fall down.
Oh, my I need really a rest!


Auto Insurance in Texas

Most places required and have a law to have auto insurance. Auto insurance will protects and helps for financial crisis if you are in accident. Now you need the right auto insurance just compare online auto insurance companies quotes and rates this is a great idea comparing each of companies in order to get best auto insurance. This is what I discovered auto insurance in Texas look to compare auto insurance companies, know reliable and high professional service auto insurance.


One Little Box Of Thumbs Tucks

This afternoon when I was busy checking my friendster friends and uploading photos I never noticed my baby got a little box of thumbs tucks and all thumbs tucks spread on the floor. I do not how he got those bundle of thumbs tucks as I put that on the drawer that he cannot reached it. I was so afraid that he would be in danger and I hurriedly got one by one put back on the little box (what a mist) after putting him on the couch. I really thanks that he haven’t hit thumbs tucks, no bad happened to him. Gosh! If he had maybe, I blame my self.


Just A Little Bit About Our Dog

In my teenager years, we had a cute dog. We got a dog from my uncle a brother to my mom. We got it when just cute little puppy dog. A smart dog, playful, a kisser and huggable dog that we really loved it. I fed our dog regularly however, sometimes was sick maybe that was because we haven't gave a pet supplements regularly. One night we noticed our dog was gone, we looked around in our village but we never found. Until now, I still remembered our cute dog so badly. Our dog was a part of my family life.

It is so nice to have a huggable and playful dog at home. I wish I could have again….


Finding Free Blogger Template

It has been a while I have not changed my other blog template I planned to changed it very soon when I have enough time with my computer. I can say that now it’s almost a year since I changed my blog template. I hope I could find one a good template also good for Google ads, 3 column, look classy and fit to my blog.

There are blogger template are a lot of advertise that I do not like it, which is a lot to edit, a lot of works, can hang the site page and not to quick to download the page. I’ll gonna find free template, so easy to edit yet simple good looking template. I found a simple one blogger template at


Weight Loss Supplements

Every one of us wants healthy body and fit, keeps exercise regularly. However, exercise is not enough to keep healthy body; we need also a healthy balance diet.

In our lives, we cannot stop craving fat foods, like hamburgers, chips and French fries those makes fat and unhealthy food. Is not so easy to losing weight but to gain weight is as easy as what we said. It can be frustrated losing weight, sometimes. What we have knew now to find best weight loss supplements to help losing weight fast and easy. Just check safe and secure best weight loss supplement.



Have you seen a movie AUSTRALIA? This is what I am going to watch at this moment but I haven’t time. I bought a two DVD’s last Saturday titled AUSTRALIA and Dumb and Dumber. Dumb and Dumber is a 1994 movie it’s an old movie starring Jim Carrey is an american comedy film. AUSTRALIA is a latest movie of Nicole Kidman…this is I am going to watch now folks. Huhh I am eager to watch this film folks… So…let’s give a break….it is a movie time. I tell you later…


Diet Supplement

A dietary supplement is also a nutritional supplement and it contains dietary ingredients. It is said also that dietary supplements is health maintenance and helps to treat illness. It is hard to find now which health benefits are, as there are hundreds of diet supplements are available. However, before spending money and taking diet supplements must be sure that product is safe. We know that, it is overwhelming if you reduces calories and maintain healthier body. You should check out which is suit to you.


Grapefruit And Bitter Melon

I was impressed to my husband he keep eating every afternoon 1 piece of a grapefruit. I asked him why he ate grapefruit everyday. He said, the grapefruit is very healthy for body and help fat burning and reduces insulin levels and help to weight loss.

It’s so funny my husband he like to eat grapefruit but he doesn’t link to eat Ampalaya (a green vegetable which is a bitter taste, this is called a bitter melon in U.S) and I told him I eat grapefruit but is not really my favorite fruit coz it’s a little bit bitter taste. He does not like to eat ampalaya but he like to eat grapefruit.

This is a bitter melon or Ampalaya



To Get Off Craving Food

I have also a dream weight. Who does not like to be a slim and has a good body? I am sure every one of us has a dream weight. We do exercise everyday but we cannot get off craving, how we wish to be slim and have a sexy body. To get off craving and to reach dream weight I thought that diet pill is the answer to get off craving and loss weight. Just check out best diet pills effective, consumer rate, ingredient quality and safe diet pills.


The Very First Flying Hotel In The World

I am amazed now our high technology. Almost everything is possible now. As what I’ve heard few months ago there is a robot model and now tonight I’ve read about the latest and the most luxury hotel room now in the world it can finally take flight. This is the first in aviation history this is called hotelicopter. This is the first flying hotel now.

This is what I have heard and read tonight on online news. Is not just a helicopter but also a hotel called hotelicopter. 18 luxury rooms - fortunately, noise-in isolation. Offers of the "Hotelicopter" to flight-amusing guests. After the maiden flight in June 2009 the five-star hotel flies in August to and through Europe. With 42 metres long and 14 metres hoh is the helicopter which should take off from this summer regularly.

Watch out the video.


Term Life Insurance

Life insurance is important whether short or long term life insurance. This is also an investment for a person who preparing for beloved family for their future.

Talking about that topic, that was my husband and I discussed a month ago that we changed a life insurance company that we meet our needs that matches the situation and term life insurance rate, policies and quotes.


Shopping Again

The last few days my friends and I got together again. We met in the mall shopping center. I thought we just watch only a movie in cinema but we cannot resist our self without looking the shoes, bags, clothes etc. in the botiques. The last thing that I like in the last boutique that where we go in a pair of shoes. Huhh…what a shopaholic I am…is not really pretty good like this, cannot control it. I like the style and color look glamorous, isn’t it?


Job Search

Are you looking for a job and cannot find one. What for a job you are looking for? Do not worry I tell you that where you can find a job. Find the job that’s suit to you, check at jobs in sales is the right answer for you. Just browse a job that you are looking for. I am sure this site is a good help for you, for information and available job now, just click the link for further details.


Family Snapshot

This is the family snapshot last week at Thursday afternoon. We took walked by lake and had taken rest and this is it! We had nice view, though the trees and plants are still not green but we love the scenic view. The reflection of the trees and plants to the calm water is look so beautiful make us stress free. This is our favorite place to visit in spring, summer and autumn. It is also great there is a boat to rent that you can ride and drive around in the lake. Sometimes we came here rent a boat and did fishing which was so great experience. I love this place.


Great Help For Financial Crisis

People save and spend money wisely as we are in time of financial crisis now. If you need more cash right now good things we have good service personal loans provider now is a great help in times of financial crisis. Personal loans it is a great solution as of this time we are in financial crisis. Who needs money right now, for personal purposes and desires for family or need money right now for personal purposes loans is a good help. Secure, easy, quick and free approval for personal loans you can just apply through online at online Personal Loans Mania nationwide. You check now instant loan approval.


It's Raining

Woohh.. We had successive beautiful weather for almost 2 weeks now. Today at the morning, we had beautiful weather and around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the weather turns bad then poured hard heavy rain. I said to my self, “GOOD” it is raining I do not need to give water to my plants at our balcony. Sometimes I missed I am under the rain shower too. I told sometimes to my husband I missed rain shower in Philippines it is good feeling having a rain shower and play under the rain. I cannot say that I do not like rain shower that gives to plants watering that made me glad too.

Oks folks that for today, wish you have a great time.

Photo above that's the plants at our veranda.


Plasma Mount

It is almost 4 weeks now we have a new big plasma TV. We have TV stand but not suited and not match type to our plasma TV. My husband and I talked to purchase a LCD mount, which is modern, compatible and flexible mount. I told him it is better to buy a wall mount for plasma TV that makes our living more space and looks neat and tidy for living room.


Wasted Fruit Juices

This morning when I was watching tv I didn’t noticed that my baby playing pineapple juice in the kitchen. He can go quickly up by himself on the chair so that is why he can do it and get it what he wanted in the kitchen can get anything what are on the sink. I just noticed that juices were on the floor, the glass of the juice was almost empty…so missed…really so wasted. It’s my fault I did not cover hard so that was why he can open it.

Huh… That was charge of experienced and next time he could never do it again.

Now Cedie my 17 months old baby playing by balcony now with his toy cars. So it’s my time to cook now for a lunch. Wish you have a great time.


Weekly Sale Items

I planned to buy a digital camera and watches as a gift for my sibling and my parent way back in Philippines this year as I planned to have a vacation that is why I need to buy a gift for them.

I browse on online I found out there are huge items on sale now like watches, digital camera, laptop etc. and offering weekly deals now too, I should tell to my husband soon and get some items.

If you are looking sale items I suggest check out now just click the link that I provided. Wish you have a great day.


Great Time During Easter Week

It was perfect weather Easter week….cool and warms enough, that what I wish everyday that we can wear sexy dress and flip-flops.

My husband, son and I had a time together outing, we visited Children’s Park in Schoengi Land and visited in Zoo and we did it coloring Easter eggs, which were so fun, and it was my second time did it. We spent almost everyday outing. Hmmm. I should share you some photos in my other blogs that we had taken during our outing. You just check it later on; I will post some photos…See you and have a beautiful day.


Cell Tower

I am fond of gadgets. One thing I love the most my cell phone. I cannot go anywhere without my Nokia cell phone. My cell phone works good, battery long life and good signal. Usually I used my iPhone too. I love using my iPhone. I have noticed cell tower when I was in travel. There are cell antenna towers I noticed on the buildings and on the neighbourhoods. Regarding a cell towers, I browse online for cell tower I came across a cell tower lease consultant for both public and private click the link for further details.


Stayed At Home And Watched TV

Springtime weather is changeable here in our place. Saturday it was cloudy weather so we decided to stay at home. My husband, Cedric and I had a good time watching TV and DVDs movies. Cedric enjoyed watching Spongebob at noontime. He like it not just my Cedric, I like it too. Crazy, naughty and fun TV cartoon show, very entertaining and can relate to anyone. When I saw the face of Spongebob make me laugh already very smiling and look naughty huh.

In the evening, my husband and I watched the DSDS-Deutschland Sucht Den Superstar 2009 show in TV (Germany Search for Superstar 2009) like an American Idol in U.S. This is the show I like to watch at this moment every Saturday night if my husband and I only stayed at home. The show stood for the DSDS singers under the motto «sexy songs», Holger Göpfert was out, and now they are only six candidates will fight this weekend again.


Hotel Reservation

Planning vacation is not so easy, need to book the flight, hotels and resorts accommodation and sometimes it can be stressful. Who won’t like having a perfect vacation destination and attraction? It’s need time to plan for vacation. I like all everything arranged so that everything will be perfect and having fun in vacation time. I am so excited our next trip our family vacation. There is hotel reservation promo now at Choice Hotels international that I can book online anytime the best online rates hotel reservations. To book online using Choice Hotels no more hassles and no more stress.


My Little Chief Cook

When I am in the kitchen my son too keep following me and looking what I am doing. One time he wanted to look what I am doing and wanted on the top on the stool. I was cooking an Asian noodles on that time. I put him on the stool and he stood up. He wanted to do what I doing too. Therefore, I let him and he does it good well. Look at the picture this is what I taken, he is so cute and look good cooker, right? I have little cooker now a 16 months old boy, who help me and cute chief cook. (*smile*)


Moving Easily

Moving to a new house is not so easy a lot of works many things to packs equal you will have stressed. I experienced this situation when I was young, we, my parents moved to the other house. However nowadays it is easy to move to another house, without any stressed and easy things to be done because there are moving services now are affordable it’s only pay for spaced that you have used, that’s great to save money and move easily.


Crazy Weather

We are encountering now crazy weather here in our place. This coming week still rainy and cold. Oh my thanks God in his goodness last Saturday my husband not already affected a flu…now his doing well but sometimes his like a dog keep barking in night because of the hard cough. Now….Darn I felt so bad my self, now my son baby Cd having flu, cold and cough. Last night I have not good slept because my son started having a fever. I hope that he is getting better soon I feel so pity of him that’s hurting when I am looking at him lying on the bed and when I carry him. Before he sleeps tonight, we gave him a cough, cold syrup and syrup against for fever. He cannot sleep very well because of cold and he has a fever now 39.5 as I measured using thermometer before he fall asleep this night.

Get well soon my son. Ok folks, that is all for now, see you later for more update. Wish you had a great Sunday.


Comfortable Bed

To get a wonderful health benefits to have a good sleep routine a relaxing time. We need to bed sleep time. Having a beautiful bed rests that makes us sleep better and relax.

In time of a lot of work, I quickly fall asleep. What made me fall asleep quickly having a comfortable bed, pillows and bed sheets I have a good nap and night sleep. When we were from work, we need to relax and rest our body not just our body it is also to have peace in mind to get out the stress our daily routine work.


Out Of Country Vacation

My husband and I planning to have a short vacation this coming month during Easter days. We did not yet decided where to go but just out of country. However, what keep in my mind having a new LCD TV than to have a vacation. I am confused which I should choose having a big new LCD TV or to have vacation? I talked to him which is expensive one having a vacation or having a new LCD TV? Then he told me “having a vacation with me is the most expensive one, that made me laughed and quite silly answered and then were laughing together.

For almost 6 years now together with him we had always vacation out of country and now that I missed so much because last year were not having out of country vacation as my mom with us from Philippines we had just vacation in the south of Switzerland.

Oh yay, I don’t know yet which I choose…having a new LCD TV just stay at home vacation or having out of county vacation?

Furthermore, this coming autumn season we are going to the Philippines to have a 3 weeks vacation and spend time together my siblings with my mom and dad. I am so excited about this vacation.


Mortgage Loan

If I own a beautiful house, of course I am so thankful and nothing to ask anymore in my living. In living, a having beautiful house is a good investment too. My sister told me that there are houses and lot sales now are affordable. She urged me that this is the time to buy now a house as low prices now. I told her I must tell first to my husband if he likes my idea because buying a house also is not so easy a lot of papers to arrange and we must find affordable Mortgage Loan Rates too which are affordable.

Browsing online for Mortgage Loan Rates I am glad I discovered Compare Home Mortgage Loans online site. There are online home mortgage loans available on online that help to find home mortgage loans, which are affordable. With this online site, choosing the best home mortgage loans is so easy now and help to find the best home mortgage loans.

FaceBook has a company profile for Amerisave, the nation's fastest growing online home mortgage company that offers affordable mortgage loan rates. Check out Amerisave's profile at Naymz and know more about the company.


Different Languages In My Work

Oh yay, it is my work again tomorrow. I am so excited to see again the kids in my work. I am glad to have a work like this to teach kids, they are so fun and different together with them different nationality and different languages. There are some kids does not know to speak German, just talking their languages where they are from. Oh yay sometimes I have stormy mind because they were using their languages that they used it from their country and I do not understand that. I just silent and saying in German “Ich Verstehe Nicht, Entchuldigung” in English (I do not understand, Sorry) sometimes my chief and I looking in dictionary in different languages which is so fun. There are kids doing good learned fast in German language that made my chief and I so proud. Anyway, folks that is all for now just a quick story about my work.


Film and Video Gurus

Every one of us has experienced in our living good and bad and has a story to tell to everyone, good whether bad stories we can share to everyone. What we have seen in the movies, sometimes, it has happens in our living.

Speaking about movies almost every one of us love movies. Do you love movies? If you ask me in the same question, I really love watching movies. Makes me entertain, fun and can touch our hearts. Sometimes my friends and I went out and watched movies in Cinema. It was a lot of fun together with them. If you are familiar of “The Reader” film, this is the last movie I have in Cinema together my friends that happened last few weeks.

Do you love making movies? If you are, then, this is great news for you, film and video gurus check out at groovy like a movie a San Diego movie, video and film production company that helps to everyone making movie precising, compelling and creating entertaining movies. Look for further details.


The Reader

The movie I have watched last few weeks together my friends is the movie “The Readers” starring Kate Winslet won best actress Oscar Awards. A movie is very different from all of the movies I have watched. A very good movie makes the story of the movie compelling and memorable. A movie touches my heart. In the middle of the film made me tears.


In post-WWII Germany, teenager Michael Berg (David Kross) becomes ill and is helped home by Hanna (Kate Winslet), a stranger twice his age. Michael recovers from scarlet fever and seeks out Hanna to thank her. The two are quickly drawn into a passionate but secretive affair.
Michael discovers that Hanna loves being read to and their physical relationship deepens. Hanna is enthralled as Michael reads to her from "The Odyssey," "Huck Finn," and "The Lady with the Little Dog." Despite their intense bond, Hanna mysteriously disappears one day and Michael is left confused and heartbroken.
Eight years later, while Michael is a law student observing the Nazi war crime trials, he is stunned to find Hanna back in his life—this time as a defendant in the courtroom. As Hanna's past is revealed, Michael uncovers a deep secret that will impact both of their lives.
The Reader is a haunting story about truth and reconciliation, about how one generation comes to terms with the crimes of another.


Executive Recruitment Firm

Nowadays all over the world are facing global financial crisis. There are people lost their jobs and there are many big firms were closing their business so the employees were losing their job too. Crisis is a part in our life too that we must accept it.

Nevertheless, if you have a computer and internet, now, because of our high technology people now can easy to search a job online. If you finished your degree course, I am sure you could find one soon. There are big firm looking an employees now too, great job and earn big salary in every month like, hotel and restaurant manager or excutive manager in a big firm. If you have patient reading and searching to find a job through online, I am sure you can find it. There are online site that you can find a job that helps for those people who are looking hiring job. If you are qualified, look Executive Recruitment Firm there are hiring job listed on online site.

An expert in executive search and recruitment, Dennis Carey aims to help companies and organizations find the best executives to further their business goals. Head over to Dennis Carey's profile page to know more about him.


Hectic Days

Today it was a hectic day. My husband and I went to the party room and met the man who are manager of the party room and showed everything what we need in the party like lights, music stereo, chairs, tables, kitchen and everything what we need in the night grand birthday party of my husband. It was going great. The man was friendly and kind. After the meeting of the man, my son and I went to the city, met my friends, and had a little bit shopping but I stayed their in just one and half hour then we went home as my husband waiting at me because we planned to have grocery some important decorations and food for the party. When we were on the way to the mall, we were in the heavy traffic, that made me so mad, and I thought we came home late at night.

Huh... at this time I feel so tired and I think I need now to relax and sleep and ready for tomorrow for dance rehearsal for the presentation of the birthday party. Before I sleep, I think I quickly need to finish my assignment.


Machu Picchu travel

After 40th birthday celebration of my husband, we have planned to travel out of country and have vacation even just 2 weeks. I cannot wait this happen because it is almost 2 years now since we got holiday out of country. I heard last minute tours and travel are cheapest one and of course best value travel tours that I should look for that I can find at Peru For Less travel and tours packages. How I wish we could travel in South America like Brazil, Costa Rica and in Peru to have Machu Picchu travel to visit this best attraction in Peru the ruins of the ancient Inca City and one of the wonders of the world. I heard Machu Picchu from my classmate in German course from Peru.


New Hairstyle Spring And Summer

I have long hair now. It is almost 1 year now since I cut my hair. I missed going to the beauty parlor and I missed new hairstyle and new look. What I thinking of having a new look before the month of April. I want new hairstyle at this spring season. What I like is, the haircut of Heide Klum a cut layered bob hairstyle or maybe like Hayden Panettiere bob hairstyle too (look the picture below) which are new trends hairstyle of this spring and summer 2009 and also as I have round face maybe this is fit on me. What do you think? Ha-ha-ha let us see folks, what beautician parlor says or their reaction if I tell her and cut my hair.

Hayden Panettiere bob hairstyle

Heide Klum bob hairstyle

or maybe it look like this my hair...

Or like Jennifer Aniton....

hmm which look hot hairstyle folks?....what do you think?


I Earned Much Money

When I have time sitting in front of my computer, I spent to do my blogging assignment and after I finish my assignment, I go to pay per click program. This afternoon, I withdraw pennies again from this program just click it here, which I earned a lot just clicking ads and wait 25 seconds. I am glad I joined this program pay per click. I made money a lot from it and that add my income everyday from blogging. They give many ads to click which made me so glad everyday but sometimes I have not enough time to click the ads. I am still glad they are still giving me many ads to click everyday. Weww..!


My Busy Days

I have many photos to share in here, collection and travel photos, but at this time, I am somewhat lazy uploading those photos. I have many works to my computer, my husband photos collage for his birthday, decoration and some birthday invitation to my Filipina friends that I must send it now but until now, I did not send it. I have double works at this time that I need to finish it then I have also household chores that I need to do. This weekend we are busy buying drinks and foods for preparing for my husband grand birthday celebration. I wish this 40th birthday celebration of my husband would successful. I am happy I paid already some expenses for his birthday, about the cake 3 layers, Wow! Meat that my friends will cook and we ordered some food in party service too. So I am not worried anymore about it, it almost organize all.


Laundry Hamper

We live in a city and difficult to have a house which also quiet expensive living in here in our place. I have one baby boy as being a mom I sometimes in a hurry doing household chores. One of household chores that I do not like much in the times of laundry that my husband always bringing laundry downstairs. We live in apartment in 2nd floor. It is difficult bringing laundry downstairs for me. What I am looking for is a laundry hamper. I found out having laundry hamper is very easy to bring laundry downstairs, easier and quicker that I do not need to ask to my husband anymore to bring the laundry downstairs.


Meeting With My Friends

Tomorrow morning is my work time. It is again my workday with children that I really miss everyday as I have only 2 days to work just every morning until 12 noon. However, this morning when I open my laptop I surprised my two friends sent me some messages and saying that I am invited their lunch break. I am eager to meet my friends again but I told them I‘d be late as I have work until 12 noon. I told them I‘d be there after my work. I cannot wait to see them again because I missed them, bonding, talking, and their laugh too.


Finding Wholesale Computer

Computer is now important nowadays. Even a small or large businesses we have used computer. But because of financial crisis we need to get an affordable computer to save money too. We can buy computer now as low prices. If you have patient to a find computers, which are cheap and affordable price I knew you, can find it. Now if your goal to find a cheap and affordable laptop or PC? I discovered there are cheap and affordable wholesale computers now. You check out to find an affordable computer.


2009 Spring Footwear Trend Fashion

Spring is around now another footwear fashion trend new style shoes for this spring and summer 2009, elegant and attractive. High-heeled shoes that the sexiest female still curve the legs and the body (*wink*). I bought two pairs of shoes last Saturday, which I really like this (show photo below) sexy black and white high heeled, shoes look sporty shoes. I love it, sexy right?

There are many new footwear trends this spring and for summer. Oh yay! Can’t resist to buy one again that I hate myself I can’t control it…huh…oh that’s a woman crazy of shoes crazy of fashion.


Plasma TV Mount

My son wanted to roam around in living room with his toy car but it is impossible, as we do not have enough space in our living room. I wish to have a flat ceiling plasma TV mount, which is ideal for small room that helps makes more space for little room. The TV ceiling mounts is the perfect solutions for small room. I can find for plasma TV mount at stands and mounts site. It has a lot of selection to choose style that adjustable that almost suitable for any screen size. Having TV mounts that makes also the television secured safely and keep everything neat and in order. I should tell to my partner husband to have plasma TV wall mount.


Spring Is Just Around

Good day everyone! My co-bloggers and readers of my blog wish you had a beautiful day. It becomes spring. Also in the nature, the first infallible signs appear for it: Four storks have already returned in their place where they liked to use to stay and have been announced to the protection of birds. The population is called on for announcing these spring messengers.

Nevertheless, today we have bad weather, dark sky and showering until now. It quiet sad outside and very wet and that makes me feel so lazy to go out and go to the indoor swimming pool with my baby just 15 minutes with the car. However, at 4 PM my son and I went to the city and a little bit shopping. I hope that the rain will stop and when we are going to the city with comfort.

Oks folks, this is just for weather update today. Wish you have a great day! Ciao!


Nixon Watches

It’s birthday month of my husband. He turns 40 and it will be celebrated this coming March 21 with 50 guests. I look online for birthday gift idea for his 40th birthday. Not expensive one just simple birthday gift yet meaningful for him I discovered authenticated latest design Nixon watches collection high tech wrist affordable simple yet cool stylish and world class design. I think this is good idea for a gift for his 40th birthday a new watch for him.


Just Only Minutes To Wait

I chatted my sister this morning through yahoo online. She asked me where I send bucks to Philippines. I told her through Western Union money transfer. She was telling me if I can send bucks through Xoom but I told her I’ll never used Xoom anymore as I had bad experienced from them and I told her I like Western Union Money Transfer, reliable and fast. The charge for sending money through Western Union Money Transfer is quite expensive but it is worth it. My money is safe and my family can received money quickly just only minutes to wait.


Notebook Memory

Upgrading notebook memory, we can say that simply the more memory to your notebook, laptop or a PC the better performance too. To upgrade laptop memory is not so difficult first read first the manual in order to select the right memory upgrade for your computer. Purchasing notebook memory, laptop computer memory you have better look the right amount of memory for your laptop to make successful upgrade to your notebook.


Berner Fasnacht

It’s another day another brand new day, a beautiful day with blue sky. It is beautiful to wake up in the morning when you see a blue sky with pipe of birds from the outside. The spring past approaching, sometimes I hear birds singing near by our sleeping room that makes me awake and feel so excitement.

This afternoon my baby has a school gym. At school gym, they are having carnival festival (Fasnacht as we called here in our place). Babies need to bring the costumes for Fasnacht (Carnival Costumes) to have picture with Gymboree man. As you know that today it is the start of Fasnacht Festival, we have carnival (Fasnacht) days until Sunday. Having parade on the streets, people wearing masks, enjoy playing flute and drums and wearing beautiful costumes, funny costumes, sexy as like a Halloween costumes.

I am so excited for fasnacht this weekend.


I Am So Grateful

Tonight when I opened my computer and opened my email I found out, I have extra assignment. I am so glad they gave me or chose me to have an extra assignment, meaning that plus to have more income for this month of March, nyay! I am so grateful for this tonight hopefully to get more extra assignment (*grin*).

As for now, I want to say, wish you had a good night folks wherever you are around the globe, it is almost 12 midnight here in our place so I want to say, see you tomorrow. Ciao!


Disclosure Policy

This blog is written by me. This blog accept sponsored, advertisement and paid post. If you have any questions and suggestions just leave a message in my entry comment box. Wish you have a great day! "The Author"

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