Colanis 4 wheeled Visions
Usually every morning I read the news. When I turned the pages I came across to the motor and autos section. This is what I’ve seen and read. I’ve amazed the designed of this autos/cars, amazing or maybe you could say weird, strange, beautiful, luxus and unbelievable, what else? That is why I want to share here as what I’ve knew this morning.
Actually, he is called Lutz. However, for a designer Luigi is better fits.
Designer Luigi Colani presented a toys car with hydrogen impulse in February. During the years Colani with his visions of Ferrari, truck and town cars provided before for discussions.
Colani presents in August, 1991 in the Technorama in Winterthur a motorcycle; part of the exhibition.
Colani in 2008 by one of his toys cars in the international toys fair in Nuremberg
By this motorcycle stylish by Colani a world record of more than 340 km/h was set in southern Italy Nardo.
Colani in the same exhibition with the model of an aerodynamic steam locomotive for the former Soviet Union.